By Edsel Cook
For the organic farmer: Chickens fed a low-protein diet with balanced amino acids are healthier
Researchers from Thailand have devised a useful feeding strategy for organic farmers who want to raise healthy poultry. They suggested giving broiler chickens a low-protein diet with the right balance of methionine and other essential amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks that the bodies of living organisms use to create protein. They can […]
By Derek Henry
5 ways to rack up above average results in your exercise routine
So you took it a bit too easy over the summer holidays, no big deal. As long as you recognize that you need to start eating healthier again and hit the gym, you’re halfway back to the shape you were in before the sultry and seductive summer vibes kicked in. What many people don’t realize […]
By Edsel Cook
The effect of Methionine supplementation on broiler chickens fed a low-protein diet
Thai researchers tested the use of methionine as a dietary supplement for broiler chickens that were given a low-crude protein diet during Days 11-24 after hatching before switching to a diet with low metabolic energy for the next 18 days. They reported that the supplement improved the health of poultry animals that followed either diet. The study was sponsored by Kasetsart […]
By Michelle Simmons
Study: Protein supplements are not as effective when eaten as snacks
Protein supplements have been known to be beneficial for building muscle and managing weight. However, the timing of taking protein supplements may affect their efficacy. In a research review published in the journal Nutrition Reviews, it was suggested that protein supplements should be consumed during meals in order to be more effective, as people who take protein […]
By Zoey Sky
Eat these foods to look younger (and feel great!)
This might seem strange, but an unhealthy diet could be the culprit behind signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles on the face. The skin relies on two proteins, namely collagen and elastin, to maintain its firmness and elasticity. As people grow older, the body produces less collagen and elastin, causing the signs of skin aging. […]
By RJ Jhonson
Why you should be paying attention to this amino acid if you want a healthier heart
Your risk of developing heart disease is exacerbated by eating fatty foods and engaging in unhealthy habits, but having an overabundance of homocysteine doesn’t help either. The evidence is strong that this amino acid increases your likelihood of contracting heart disease. In the 1960s, pathologist Kilmer McCully encountered two children with advanced atherosclerosis, a disease that doesn’t […]
By Michelle Simmons
High-protein supplements may help you recover faster after a strenuous workout
To recover faster after a strenuous workout, take high-protein supplements as post-workout supplements. A study found that elite basketball players who took a high-protein post-workout supplement experienced faster recovery after exercise. A team of researchers from the University of Taipei in Taiwan and the Competitor Institute of Sports Nutrition in Beijing recruited 15 elite basketball players between 18 and […]
By Isabelle Z.
Nutrients in whey protein may offer solutions to diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and poor bone formation
A plant-based diet can be beneficial to your health in many ways, but some experts have voiced concerns that people who avoid animal-derived foods entirely are missing out on some very useful nutrients that can help fight chronic disease. Dr. Ian Givens, a food chain nutrition professor at the University of Reading, recently spoke at […]
By Kristine Payne
7 Signs of protein deficiency
Here’s something you may have heard before: “Protein is the basic foundation of the body.” Protein provides the building blocks of our muscles and bones, it assists in tissue building and repair, and it’s necessary for natural enzyme and hormone production. With protein being so vital in most of our bodily functions, it’s no wonder that […]
By Zoey Sky
Nutritional requirements should match your lifestyle: Study finds female athletes need 50 percent more protein than non-active males
Macronutrients are the lifeblood of athletes. However, while carbohydrates and fat give them fuel and energy, protein lets their bodies recover from the rigorous demands of sports and exercise. According to a new study by researchers from the University of Toronto‘s Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE), the Hospital for Sick Kids and Ajinomoto […]
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