food supply
By HRS Editors
Clean food watch: Does your protein powder contain heavy metals?
If you use protein powder regularly, you probably don’t think twice about adding protein powder to a glass of milk or a breakfast smoothie. This is important if you want to support good health because you need protein for several body functions such as building and maintaining muscle and bone strength. Additionally, some older adults don’t consume […]
By HRS Editors
Prepping and hydration: Essential tips for preparing for extreme heat
Picnics and outdoor activities are fun when the weather is great, but you should remember that spending too much time in the sun during summer can also be dangerous. Excessive heat exposure can cause dehydration, which can cause hazardous conditions, such as heat cramps. Fortunately, you can take measures to protect your family from the heat and sun if […]
By HRS Editors
The buzz behind bees: Essential allies for survival and prepping
Bee pollen is produced by combining honey, enzymes, flower pollen, nectar, wax and bee secretions. Foraging honey bees collect pollen from plants and transport it to the beehive, where it is stored and used as food for the rest of the colony. Keep in mind that bee pollen is different from other bee products such […]
By Ethan Huff
Health Ranger Store donates $155K+ to food banks to help feed and nourish hungry Americans
As promised, the Health Ranger Store is donating more than $155,000 worth of superfood powders and dietary supplements to two special organizations that help Americans in need: Convoy of Hope and Harvest Time International. In the video below, the Health Ranger displays three pallets of boxes all filled with numerous popular health food items from […]
By S.D. Wells
Same Forbes that pushed GMOs as safe is now attacking vitamin D, falsely claiming it’s dangerous
The most effective, inexpensive and safe supplements that fight disease and infections are available to all Americans at any time, but the mass media is run by Big Pharma, so most people have no clue. All we see in the fake news media is the big push for everyone to get vaccines, wear their masks […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepper must-haves: Here’s why you need protein powder in your food stockpile
Protein powder is popular among health enthusiasts because this dietary supplement can help promote weight loss and help you tone your muscles. But protein powder isn’t just for athletes or bodybuilders. Before SHTF, you should stock up on protein powder so you have access to this versatile ingredient. (h/t to TheSurvivalMom.com) Why is protein important? Every cell […]
By Mike Adams
Black Friday starts early at the Health Ranger Store: 11/11 (Nov. 11th) begins 4-day annual sale event featuring storable organic food, freeze dried organic produce and more
This year’s “Black Friday” event at the Health Ranger Store starts early, on 11/11 (Nov. 11th) at 11:01 am central time. For those interested in numbers and patterns, that’s 11/11, 11:01 am. It all adds up to 7. We are doing this because we have almost no confidence that the logistics of society will reliably […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Exploring biofortification of beans with zinc to combat deficiency
In this review, South African researchers discuss the causes of zinc deficiency, which has become prevalent in low-income families in South Africa. They also explore possible solutions to this, such as the biofortification of locally-preferred common bean cultivars. This article was published in the journal Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science. In […]
By Ethan Huff
EXPOSED: Amazon caught selling all sorts of expired products, including beef jerky and baby food
If you’re a regular Amazon customer, you might want to pay close attention to the expiration dates on the foods you buy, as many of them are reportedly being sold well past their sell-by dates. A CNBC investigation found that everything from beef jerky to baby food is being sold past their expiration dates – […]
By Ralph Flores
Eating organic food and using supplements can prevent zinc and iron deficiencies
The world’s food supply is seriously lacking in iron and zinc, according to an international study led by researchers from the U.K. and Austria. Their article, released in the journal Global Food Security, looked at the current micronutrient deficiency in food systems around the world, especially in areas that need it. This phenomenon, which researchers dubbed […]
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